Barcelona or Madrid, Tough Decision!

Barcelona and Madrid, two very different cities, each with its own vibe. Barcelona is playful and child like, where Madrid feels like the mature, older sibling. The influence of Antoni Goudi is vividly present in Barcelona, where as Madrid has a much more elegant feel with its grand boulevards. Both cities have much to offer,... Continue Reading →

Oregon, My Favorite State

Every year, my husband and I take multiple trips to Oregon. Portland is his hometown, and we have family, friends, kids and grandkids who live near there. In fact, we will probably move there in the not too distant future. So when my dear friend Jack suggested I write about Oregon, I thought it was... Continue Reading →

Portland’s Waterfront Blues Festival

In 1979 my brother and I saw Eric Clapton in concert at the Seattle Center Coliseum, Muddy Waters was the warm up act. This was my introduction to blues, and what a great place to start. Fast forward 40 years to the Portland Waterfront Blues Festival, where, within minutes of arriving, I heard an artist... Continue Reading →

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