Travel Quote

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and, narrow mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Mark Twain Ginkakuji, aka Silver Temple, Kyoto, Japan

Laval, Normandie, France

Earlier this week, theTravelsketcher and I had to take a trip to Laval to get our COVID boosters, so we decided to make a day of it and see some of the sites in this historic city. Laval, about one hour from our home, is the capitol the Department of Mayenne, and is located about... Continue Reading →


The theme for today’s blog post is stairways, naturally occurring and human made. I’m sharing a collection of interesting ones I have found in my travels. Like pathways and passageways, stairways are also inviting; it’s our curiosity that draws us to them to find out where they lead. 1. On the shore of Loch Ness,... Continue Reading →

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