Notre Grande Aventure, Partie 1

We’re off on another grand adventure; this time we’re visiting some of the grand cities in Europe, with additional time in Italy and Croatia. Our vacations almost always start in Paris. We drive to the train station in neighboring Flers, where there is free long-term parking, hop on the train, and two hours later we’re... Continue Reading →

European Family Road Trip

I just love a road trip; loading up the car, seeing interesting destinations along the way, and usually some beautiful scenery as well. I have fond memories of summer family road trips when I was a kid; we’d all pile into the big Plymouth Fury, arguing about who got stuck in the middle, whether we... Continue Reading →

Gibraltar, the Mighty Rock

Gibraltar, also known as the Rock, is one of fourteen British Overseas Territories, and is located on the southern Iberian Coast, along the Straight of Gibraltar. Its location at the southern tip of Europe, where the Atlantic ends and the Mediterranean begins, is only 13 km (8 miles) from the northern tip of Africa. A... Continue Reading →

Anniversary Road Trip

Last week I took a break from writing about European destinations and shared memories of my favorite hikes, mostly on the west coast of the USA. You can find that post here. Today I’m back with more on Europe, this time San Sebastián, Spain and Bordeaux, France. theTravelsketcher and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary... Continue Reading →

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, located on the Mediterranean coast in the Catalonian region of Spain is famous for art, architecture, food, museums, parks, markets and so much more. It is a vibrant city that will overload your senses with all it has to offer. We visited in October a few years ago which was a perfect time to... Continue Reading →

San Gimignano, Tuscany, Italy

San Gimignano is a walled village in Tuscany that is famous for its medieval architecture and tower houses, which are stunningly evident in the skyline. It was three years ago this week when we visited this beautiful village and we were instantly charmed by its unique character and warmth. There are many things to do... Continue Reading →

An Italian Inspired Recipe

Like most of us these days, I am unable to travel, so I have been looking back at photos from previous trips and enjoying the pleasant memories they bring back. A few years ago we visited Italy, we stayed at an agriturismo near San Gimignano, and then spent a few days in Florence. What little... Continue Reading →

Lunch in London, Dinner in Paris

Have you noticed that when you use frequent flyer miles for airline tickets that the route to your final destination is never very direct? A few years ago when my husband and I were flying home from France, the airline sent us to Heathrow, then to Minneapolis, then to Salt Lake City, and then finally... Continue Reading →

Barcelona or Madrid, Tough Decision!

Barcelona and Madrid, two very different cities, each with its own vibe. Barcelona is playful and child like, where Madrid feels like the mature, older sibling. The influence of Antoni Goudi is vividly present in Barcelona, where as Madrid has a much more elegant feel with its grand boulevards. Both cities have much to offer,... Continue Reading →

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