The Redwoods, Mighty, Majestic Trees

Sequoia sempervirens, also known as costal redwood and California redwood, are the tallest and largest trees on the planet. They once covered over 2 million acres in Northern California. Sadly, due to over-logging in the mid 1800s to early 1900s, they now cover only 131,983 acres. In 1918, the Save the Redwoods League was formed... Continue Reading →

Images in Red

I continue to be inspired by Jess at I’ve Been Travelling Blog, who recently posted several features focusing on a particular color. This week I will continue on that theme and focus on red. Red can invoke a gamut of emotions including anger, passion, danger, energy, excitement and power. Here are a few great quotes... Continue Reading →

Photos in Blue

Jess at I’ve Been Travelling Blog, recently posted several blogs focusing on a particular color. I enjoyed her posts and was motivated to do the same. Today I am focusing on blue, my favorite color. It’s amazing that mother nature has provided us with a hugely diverse palette of this cool color. Cool colors are... Continue Reading →

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