A Weekend in Amsterdam

When we were planning our trip to Italy and Croatia this past spring, we never dreamt it would include a weekend in Amsterdam, but things have an odd way of working out at times, so off we went.

We had originally planned on taking trains to most of our destinations, which is super easy here in Europe. We drove 30 minutes from our home in Normandie to our local train station where they offer free, long-term parking and hopped on a train to Paris. After a few days there, we took a train to Lyon, then to Geneva and finally Milan, enjoying several days or more, in each city.


However; our plan came to a screeching halt in Milan; there are no trains to Split or Dubrovnik from there, and other options were quite inconvenient and limited. So we searched available fights. There are multiple direct flights this time of year from Milan to Split, but not in March. We found that all flights went through some distant city – Barcelona, Amsterdam or London. That’s how we found ourselves in Amsterdam for a weekend in March.

This iconic, northern city was on our must visit list, so we chose it as our hop-off point for the weekend. I was quite surprised to see Amsterdam packed with tourists in March; the city was overflowing! We got a chuckle when seeing these guys in their Where’s Wally garb.

We only had two days here so we chose to wander on our own, enjoying the narrow streets, quaint alleys, canals and courtyards. We enjoyed a canal tour on a small boat that ventured into the narrow, less trafficked canals.

Many bridges ahead

We enjoyed a delicious lunch at de Belhamel on Easter Sunday. We had wanted to visit the Van Gogh Museum, but even in March, the only available ticket times were later in the week. C’est la vie.

As we wandered through the back streets I kept asking myself; what is that smell? Ah, I remember now, from my university days. It permeates the city.

Yup; that’s it!

In my humble opinion, I don’t think Amsterdam is known as a foodies’ city. However; they do have some delicious offerings. Our son-in-law told us that it was very important that we have a Stroopwafel while in the city. We enjoyed one at a delightful little cafe where the server didn’t even charge us; on the house, she said.

My initial thoughts of Amsterdam are quite positive; I love the diversity, inclusion and freedom to be yourself. It’s an easily walkable city and the tram and train systems are easy to navigate and run frequently. The only thing I didn’t like (other than the crowds) was the smell of marijuana wafting throughout the city.

After our quick weekend in Amsterdam, we took our next flight to Split, and enjoyed three weeks in Croatia, which was absolutely fabulous. We arrived back to our local train station seven weeks later to find our car faithfully waiting for us right where we left it, and headed home to plan our next vacation.

We’re currently in Cardiff, Wales after enjoying a week in Dublin, Ireland – more on these locations in the coming weeks. If you’re interested in knowing where we are and what were doing right now, check out theTravelsketcher’s posts which reflect our current locations and activities.

As always, I would love to hear from you, so leave a message if you’d like.

Wishing you grand adventures and conveniently connecting flights,


44 thoughts on “A Weekend in Amsterdam

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  1. Amsterdam is such an accessible city and there are many interesting sights, but it has always been crowded, pretty much year-round, and especially by people from UK doing hen or stag trips and also visiting just for a cannabis/drinking/prostitution party weekend (marijuana is still illegal in UK). It sort of correlates a bit to Vegas as a party town among the younger crowd but without the gambling.

    When I lived in Germany people tended to avoid it, particularly at times when the UK had long weekends or so. That’s what I remember, anyway. It’s too bad that it has been so overtaken by the partiers. Here’s a piece you might find interesting. https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/15/amsterdam-party-tourists-online-quiz-city-tourism

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for sharing the Guardian article; one of my favorite publications. It is unfortunate that so many lovely European cities have become party hubs. We were there on Easter weekend, so that explains the crowds. But it is a grand city for sure. Thanks Lynette.

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  2. I visited Amsterdam when I was in high school. I haven’t been back since, but it’s still lingering on my list. Even though it was very busy you were able to get a lot of people-less shots 🙂 ‘Many bridges ahead’ is probably my favourite. Maggie

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  3. I spent two days by myself in Amsterdam many years ago. At first I found it a bit intimidating, but then settled in and enjoyed the canal, Rijksmuseum, Anne Frank house, and great Indonesian food. Would love to see more of the Netherlands!

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  4. I suspect that Amsterdam is busy every day of the year, Tricia, and I’ve not managed to get there yet, but next time I’m heading for foreign parts… ?🤣🩵 Just departing from Nantes airport now. Lovely city!

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  5. Gosh, is there no place in Europe that’s undertouristed in March anymore? I can’t wait until retirement so I can figure out which months those are (if any). I enjoyed my few days in Amsterdam several years ago. I was there with my mom, but would love to explore it with the husband one day.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love that Amsterdam was on your list and a random working of timing and flights got you there for a weekend 🙂 Your pictures of the buildings and canals are really lovely…and I always love stroopwafles to eat! But I think I would get tired of the constant smell of marijuana.

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  7. Amsterdam is a gorgeous city, and I’m glad that travel plans worked out to include time here! It’s been years since I last visited, but there’s really something about wandering the canals and getting lost in them.

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  8. I remember that I didn’t like Amsterdam when I visited it for the first time, mainly because of the huge crowds of tourists that all seemed to be there to smoke… however, when I cam back a few years later I really got to enjoy the city to the fullest and walk around its beautiful streets and canals, and I now love it!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. How weird that you had to fly to Split via Amsterdam from Milan. But when you have to, you have to. In any case it’s great that you got to unexpectedly spend some time in the city. Amsterdam is undeniably cool and I feel lucky that I got to call it home for some few years. Lovely photographs of the canal architecture. It seems to me that the border between the off season and high season is getting increasingly blurry in many European destinations.


    1. That’s what we thought too; but I’m glad we got to visit, it’s a great place. How fortunate that you got to live there for a while. It seems to have much to offer, and certainly is a lively place. You’re right that the off-season seems to be shrinking. Thanks Leighton; I always appreciate hearing from you.

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  10. Glad to hear you made the most of the situation and ended up spending some time in Amsterdam before heading to Croatia. Seems like it was meant to be (minus not being able to snag tickets to the Van Gogh Museum). Lovely captures of the canals and architecture. And wow does that stroopwafel look amazing. Mmm. 

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  11. Aw I’ve loved Amsterdam more and more every time I visit – one of my friends lives out there now so I go every year. Great you got to stop off – Split and Dubrovnik are a nightmare as Dubrovnik doesn’t even have any trains running to it as the railways don’t go that far in to Croatia’s coastline. And that stroopwafel has made me hungry… !

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It seems like a city that grows on you. It’s so cool that you get to visit yearly and are getting to know this wonderful city. We also found that there are no trains in Croatia; we had to take a bus between the cities; not ideal, but functional. Thanks Hannah!

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  12. Sometimes it’s the unexpected detours that lead to the best adventures. Amsterdam is a beautiful and interesting place–(even with wafting reminders of college in the 1970’s…. there, I just dated myself.) Love that photo of the pink bicycle!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Before I forget – that photo of the bridge in Lyon is beautiful! Back to Amsterdam: All the bikes, canals and bridges in Amsterdam — it’s such an iconic sight in this city. Oh, and we get stroopwafels here in South Africa too – we buy them once in a while, but I can only eat one and then I’m sweet for a year! Lovely photos as always Tricia 🙂.

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  14. I love your beautiful photos from Amsterdam. We were there at the very beginning of April to visit Valters cousin and had lots of fun exploring the city and consuming way too many waffles! Thanks for sharing, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

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