
Until last June, there has never been a time in my life when I didn’t have a pet. I’ve had cats, dogs, horses, fish, and when my stepson lived with us he had lizards, hamsters, and gerbils. Cats and gerbils are not the best combination, in my humble opinion. When we lived in the suburbs north of Seattle we always fed the stray cats that came around and we even found homes for a few of them. I have done volunteer work with a therapeutic equestrian center, where I worked as a stable hand. I give regularly to organizations that help animals in need, so it’s pretty obvious that I love animals.

I lived on a farm in the US Midwest when I was a teenager, and it was at this point in my life when I had a horse. One beautiful spring day, my friend and I decided to go on a ride. We saddled up the horses and took off down the quiet, tree-lined dirt road next to our farm. I was riding my Quarter horse, Banjo, and she was riding my sister’s POA (Pony of America), Trixie. We hadn’t gone far when something spooked Banjo, or more likely, he probably decided that he wanted to be back at his paddock, whatever the reason, he took off running at a full gallop 🏇. I was hanging on for dear life and trying to slow him down when we passed a field where dad was working; he called out to me, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. After rounding several sharp corners and running adjacent to a highway, we finally arrived back in front of his paddock, where he came to a screeching halt. Needless to say, I was shaking in the saddle. I was a beginner equestrian and Banjo knew it. Dad came running up shortly after, out of breath, telling me not to do that again. My response? “Tell him!” As I gave Banjo the evil eye.

Banjo Pete

I rode only occasionally after that point, and only on Trixie, who was much easier to handle. So when my daughter wanted to take up riding, I was quite nervous. However, she rode regularly and participated in shows for several years, and is now an accomplished equestrian.

Here are photos of some of the pets that have graced us with their love and devotion over the years. Many of these photos are from old snapshots, and are not the best quality.

Simone and theTravelsketcher




Neville was one of the cats that showed up at our house. He popped up on the deck one day and decided that this was his home and we were his pets. We even brought him to France with us when we moved here two years ago. Sadly, he died of advanced kidney disease in June. You can read more about him in these posts:

Guest Blogger Neville

Two Continent Kitty

We have had many other cats that I don’t have photos of including Whiskers, Teku, Stanley, Dylan, but they were all dear and loyal companions.

For the first time in our 36 years of marriage theTravelsketcher and I do not have a pet. We have a year of travel ahead of us, starting next week with a six week trip through eastern France, Switzerland, Italy and Croatia, so we won’t get another one until we’re done traveling. But, I certainly miss having one. Pets are devoted companions and bring joy, love, and humor into our lives. We have a sign on our gallery wall that says: A home without a cat is just a house. It certainly feels that way for us, so when our neighbor’s cat Loulou visits, we always let her in and enjoy some kitty time.


If you’re interested in donating to a great organization that helps cats, check out the Feral Cat Project. This organization north of Seattle offers “compassionate solutions to feline homelessness”. They provide humane traps to catch the cats so they could be spayed or neutered, and receive vaccinations. They are then returned to their neighborhood to live out their lives. According to their website they have altered 150,866 cats since they opened in 1997! They have fund raisers with catchy titles; one was called the “Spaygetti and No Balls Dinner”. There are so many animals in need, so I’m always glad to hear about people and organizations that help them.

Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man. Albert Schopenhauer

I would love to hear about your pets, so please leave a comment if you’re so inclinded.

All the best,


31 thoughts on “Pets

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  1. This is such a wonderful post 🙂 Pets are truly the best thing to have! Anyone who has had or has one can attest to the fact that just having them around you is a truly magical feeling. They shower you with unlimited amounts of love, and kisses and are always by your side through thick and thin. A pet is like another member of your family! I am excited to hear about your upcoming travels – have a happy journey. I hope all the good things are on your way. Thanks for sharing, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. According to the vet she has had a discal hernia, and we thought we were going lose her at Christmas 2022, but she got better enough, but you can tell she struggles with stairs , but when I get home after work, she still gets the zoomies. And you can tell how happy she is to see me. It’s my first dog, so I had no experience of that. But I know I will miss her when it all gets too much for her and we have to put her down. I try not to think about it. 

        Liked by 1 person

  2. My dog Skye is 3 years old. He is a border collie crossed grey hound. He comes to the office with me and my colleagues who don’t have dogs are so happy. He loves travelling with us and discovering new places. I am not looking forward to when he won’t be with us anymore.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I always grew up with cats and I’d have one now if we didn’t go away so often and on long trips. One cat looked a lot like your Simon. I’m sure we’ll meet your new one when you return from your exciting trip! Maggie

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I owned hamsters and dogs when I was a kid. When they passed, though, I didn’t get any more pets. It’s always sad to see them get old and pass away, but they also bring so much joy into our lives. My partner and I are thinking of getting a cat, so we shall see!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Aren’t they wonderful? We always had pets, too, particularly dogs. We said a teary good-bye to our beloved Rudy a few years ago (he was a mostly terrier mix) and haven’t had another one because of my job and all the travelling connected to it. Now we’re travelling for pleasure and may look for our next companion down the road when we slow down.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Wonderful post, Tricia. Duchess very much resembles a resident cat of the Tbilisi Botanical Garden here in Georgia. We visited the garden for the second time in February, just over a year since our last visit, and were amazed and delighted to find the same lovely cat sitting in the exact same corner of the garden as last time. We too long to have a pet, but settling down has to come before that. I am glad that you have Loulou in your life, she seems lovely. I have some pet articles to write up someday, which will definitely be emotional projects.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks so much Leighton; it must be so heartwarming to have seen the Duchess look alike a second time in the garden. S/he has an established territory. People always laugh when we say we’re waiting to settle down before we get another pet; so I understand what you’re saying. The time will be right at some point. I’m looking forward to hearing all about your pets as well. I hope you enjoy the weekend!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Well, I certainly couldn’t pass up reading a post entitled “Pets.” (Especially apropos since I currently have a pet in my lap.) Animals are clearly a high priority in your life, as they are in ours. I have a whole section on my blog called Adventures in Pet Parenting. They’ve been some of my most fun posts to write because my subjects have been so much fun.
    I love that charity – I’m going to keep it in mind. All your pets were adorable. Can you imagine life without them? It’s so great that your children got to experience the love of animals growing up. On that note, and since you asked ;), I’m linking my post about my childhood pet parenting experiences. Here’s hoping more pets are lucky enough to have you as companions.

    Pet Parenting: The Early Years

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love your childhood pet story and was smiling until I got to the part about Whiskers and her offspring; how seriously traumatic for you; yikes! I can also relate to the tormenting from older siblings, being the second youngest of five myself. Great post, thanks for sharing.

      I cannot imagine life without all our lovely pets. We’ll get another one someday, once travel quits calling. Thanks for sharing!


  8. We’ve always had cats growing up and currently have a cat now. It would make travelling easier if we didn’t have a cat, but I couldn’t imagine my life without one. I totally agree about how a home without a cat is just a house!

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  9. We’ve missed Neville and following along on his adventures. You have certainly shared your love and life with many wonderful friends. Pets really are the best and I couldn’t imagine life without them. I get teased a lot by my family that Scout my dog is my first baby then my daughter. 🙂

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  10. That’s quite a vivid memory of Banjo! A horse is such an elegant animal (well, if they don’t do a wild gallop with you in the saddle 🙂)! Sophie had real cat eyes – beautiful. I love Bogie (seems like an affectionate dog) and a wonderful reminder of our own two spaniels who are no longer with us. Ah, and it was so nice to see dear Neville in your photos again. Enjoy your trip Tricia – it seems you’re going to visit some lovely places.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This post is a wonderful glimpse into your family photo albums. So fun to see; thank you for sharing them. Tim and I miss Neville a lot. The world is a little less interesting — a lot less rambunctious — now that he is gone. One of my favorite photos of all time is Neville proudly sporting a newly captured field mouse his mouth. He was such a proud little hunter.

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