Travel Quote

When people ask me why I still have hope and energy after all these years, I always say: because I travel. Gloria Steinem

Château de Domfront, France

26 thoughts on “Travel Quote

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      1. I’m a little wary of travelling in China, some of it because of the unknown, some because of the Chineese Communist Party, which is a party that doesn’t sound all that fun, and the fact that I will be away from my family for Chirstmas. Mind you they did give me their blessing to go. I’m sure it will be fine, but there’s definitely a little trepidation.
        Going to the UK will be a breeze, and I’m looking forwards to seeing my parents. They’re not getting any younger and I always worry that this will be the last time I see them. The days we have together are slowly running out.

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      2. I get that. I would have a bit of trepidation about going to China. Our only experience was visiting Hong Kong many years ago. They do want our tourist currency though.
        I hope you have a lovely time with your parents in the UK. Enjoy every moment!

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  1. From what I’ve heard, her book ‘My Life on the Road’ is well worth a read! As for the quote – you know how when we reconnect with friends after they’ve come back from their extended travels or a trip overseas? They talk your ear off about their amazing experiences and without fail, they’ll tell you how much the trip has changed them. Now, while many might shake this off as a cliche, just think about it. Why does every traveller always say the same thing? Because there’s definitely truth to it. Thanks for sharing, and have a wonderful day 🙂 Aiva xx

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